Literature Commentary: The Epic of Gilgamesh

19 Oct

Long, long ago, I recall reading the story of Gilgamesh in an anthology of myths entitled “The Great Deeds of Superheroes.” Shortly thereafter, I had nightmares about being stalked by the evil ogre Humbaba. Little did I know that fourteen years later, I’d find myself writing a much more comprehensive analysis of one of the West’s earliest literary works.

The Epic begins by introducing Gilgamesh, king of the Sumerian city of Uruk. Gilgamesh is a tyrant and a womanizer, and his people beseech the gods for relief. Enter Enkidu, a beast-man of unparalleled strength – created for the sole purpose of defeating and humiliating Gilgamesh. After a wrestling match in which Gilgamesh proves himself the stronger, the two become best friends. They proceed to defeat not only the aforementioned Humbaba, but also the rampaging Bull of Heaven. The latter act incurs the ire of the goddess Ishtar, who smites Enkidu with a fatal illness. Upon his friend’s death, Gilgamesh is overcome by a terrible, all-consuming fear of the grave. He proceeds to seek out the wise man Utnapishtim (the Sumerian equivalent of the biblical Noah) who has been blessed by the gods with eternal life. Braving lions, scorpion-men, and stone-giants, he finds Utnapishtim’s island and learns the secret of immortality: a thorny plant growing at the bottom of the sea. Unfortunately, the plant is stolen by a serpent while Gilgamesh sleeps, rendering his search futile.

The “Epic of Gilgamesh” is both a religious treatise and a seminal work of ancient literature. Exploring issues of friendship, mortality, heroism, and humanity’s relationship to the divine, it lacks the expected “happy ending.” Rather, the Epic is a cautionary tale identifying man’s failings without providing much hope for the future.

Gilgamesh’s fundamental flaws are clearly pride and indecision. At the beginning of the book, his arrogant hedonism leads the gods to punish him by sending Enkidu. Later, his killing of the Bull of Heaven offends the gods yet again – resulting in the death of his best friend. Gilgamesh also is a passive figure, reluctant to act without external stimuli. He only chooses to face Humbaba after Enkidu’s arrival, and is only motivated to pursue immortality after Enkidu’s death. Most damningly of all, he timidly refuses to test the “plant of immortality” himself, deciding instead to observe its effect on someone else. This provides the necessary opportunity for the snake to steal away his chance at everlasting life.

The vision of the afterlife offered by the Epic of Gilgamesh is hopelessly bleak. As he dies, Enkidu warns Gilgamesh that he is not going to a pleasant destination. According to Enkidu, souls (represented as humans covered in mangy bird feathers) cower in a bleak city of dust, eating clay to survive. This sharply contrasts with the views of other ancient religions (such as the Egyptians and the Greeks), which promised their adherents some form of eternal bliss. Interestingly, it is unclear from the Epic what role the gods themselves serve in the Sumerian afterlife.

The Epic of Gilgamesh is a classic work of myth, and a must-read for all who desire a fuller understanding of ancient Sumerian culture. It does contain mild sexual implications (Enkidu is “tamed” by a prostitute), but such content is not included to titillate. While the story is dark, brooding, and ultimately remains unresolved, it offers a glimpse into the hopelessness of Sumerian religion. Having read the Epic, I could better appreciate the eternal promise offered to Abraham in Genesis 12. This was the great benefit of reading the Epic – its despairing philosophy dramatically contrasts with the hope and freedom offered to the great Old Testament saints.

The Epic is definitely an important piece of Western culture, and a fascinating window into ancient Mesopotamian civilization. And, if you like books like the “Odyssey,” it makes for a good read.

A unique perspective on both Sumerian culture and timeless human weakness.

Addendum: Changes coming to Literary Analysis!

As many of you are aware, I’m currently enrolled in college and don’t have much time for outside reading or moviegoing. (My local library and movie theater have been replaced by an Amazon Kindle and a Netflix-equipped laptop.) In light of this, I’m planning on making a few changes to Literary Analysis. While I’ll still write detailed commentaries on classic literature and current theatrical releases, I’m also setting up a Twitter feed for Literary Analysis ( to provide “mini-reviews” of popular DVDs, CDs, and books. It may take a couple of weeks for this to get established, but I’m looking forward to exploring new venues for discussion.


Posted by on October 19, 2010 in Classic


7 responses to “Literature Commentary: The Epic of Gilgamesh

  1. justanotherpoet

    May 17, 2012 at 1:37 pm

    Awesome piece on Gilgamesh! I would like to publish this in my magazine. Please contact me if you are interested in that. The magazine is located at

    • literaryanalysis

      May 17, 2012 at 3:07 pm

      I’m certainly interested. Let me know if you’d like me to clean it up, make edits or anything.

      • justanotherpoet

        May 17, 2012 at 10:21 pm

        No, it’s good enough already. Very concise and informative. Please visit the Submit page on my website for the email address to send it to. I’d probably be interested in publishing one more as well, but I haven’t had the opportunity to read any of the others yet. Will do so tomorrow and let you know. Peace.

  2. ????

    January 23, 2014 at 3:06 pm

    i am in collage and we were asked to read about the epic of gilgamesh. i have no patience for reading that long…but got the whole idea of the story. …(mostly from reading blogs like this :). you have a good analysis and is definitely going to help me for tomorrow’s essay. one thing i don’t agree with is that it contrast with the promise offered to Abraham in Genisis. Enkidu tells Gilgamesh he is not going to a pleasant destination. I remember once hearing a priest say that people were damnd after Adam and Eve to die and after they die they would not enter to Eden (heaven). they used to go to sihol (hell) until the coming of Christos (Christ) . so it got me thinking how Enkidu described the after life. these was way before Christ, so it must be a place you don’t want to go to. . . i don’t know it just raised my interest somehow…

    • broski

      January 23, 2014 at 7:05 pm

      They read The Epic of Gilgamesh at your community college? Cool.

    • Tyler logan

      September 12, 2017 at 11:33 pm


  3. Nathan

    October 13, 2020 at 9:56 pm

    lmao it seems like this post has a track history with college students. I’m doing my paper on this epic and I came here for the analysis, too.


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